Meet our UNITY LAGRANGE Staff!

Senior Pastor Doug Bingham: 

Pastor Doug Bingham was born and raised in Kentucky, one of eleven children!  Pastor Doug graduated from Andersonville Theological Seminary.  He met and married his wife, Linda. They have celebrated forty-seven years of marriage and they have raised seven children while serving the Lord in various pastorates.  They are currently busy loving on their grandchildren: 14 and counting !!

Pastor Doug has served as Senior Pastor at Unity Baptist LaGrange since 2006.

  • Lifeline youth ministry leaders:


    Ben and Stacey Towler are lay leaders for Unity's Youth Ministry.  They have brought a clear vision and direction to our student LIFELINE ministry and have a heart to lead youth to Christ!  They are currently planning a summer youth camp (Student Life Flex Camp) that's sure to be filled with fun and opportunities to grow: as a student ministry group; spiritually and in wisdom!


    Director of Children's Ministries:

    Pam Russell is our Children's Ministry Leader.  Pam has brought a strong direction and purpose to our "UKids" ministry and is passionate about helping children learn about and Jesus and His love!  Pam has brought her amazing teaching experience to Unity's children's ministry along with her love for kids and Christ; Unity's UKids are growing through Awana, Sunday School and VBS!


Meet our talented and Spirit filled Worship Team!

  •   Minister of Music: 

    Darren Brown leads our worship at Unity, bringing a heart for worship, an obvious love of His Lord and a blended style that never fails to brings worship alive at Unity!

  •      Unity's Pianist:

    Marcelene Yarbrough has graced Unity Baptist with her piano playing for several years now.  She loves the Lord, loves worship and she  leads Unity's vibrant email prayer ministry!

  •      Unity's Organist:

    Reba Towler has blessed Unity Baptist with her beautiful organ music for many years!  Reba's love for music, worship and Jesus is evident with every note she plays!

  •      Video Tech:

    Tara Alsobrook serves as our Video Tech, helps us singing along. Highlights Scripture passages and Sermon notes so that our church can worship along with our Pastor. 

  • Audio Tech:

    Brian Alsobrook serves as our Audio  Tech, helping to make every service sound great and keep us singing along!  Truly a part of Unity's Worship Team!

  •     outreach tech:

    Stacey Towler is also our Outreach Tech. Her technical expertise keeps our services rolling out to Facebook & YouTube; meeting Unity's online needs!

Church Members – Ministers-at-Large

Doug Bingham – Senior Pastor

Pamela Russell - Director of Children's Ministry

Ben & Stacey Towler - Youth Ministry Leaders

Darren Brown – Minister of Music

Reba Towler – Organist

Marcelene New – Pianist

Hiram Haro - Audio Tech

Bethany Haro - Video Tech

Stacey Towler - Outreach Tech

Barbara Fuller - Administrative Assistant