Our Ukids have a great time on Sunday Morning in Sunday School and Children's Church; where the focus is on the simple message of the Bible and worshiping Jesus Christ, the Savior who loves them unconditionally! Filled with fun, music, Bible stories and games! 

Sundays are fun at Unity!

Wednesdays are filled with either Ukids Summer Ministry or  our AWANA Club Ministry: Game Time, Small and Large Group...all pointing kids to Jesus! Learning Truth made fun!


Sunday School @ 10 AM!

11 AM downstairs on the children's Hall!

Please visit our Check-in Station!

Always fresh! Always exciting!

AWANA Clubs @ Unity...

Current Clubs:              

  • Puggles (age 2 - 3)
  • Cubbies (Pre-k kids)
  • Sparks (K- 2nd grade)
  • T & T  (grade 3 - 6)

Click on the image to register for AWANA at Unity LaGrange!

VBS @ Unity: Over the Top Fun!

Vacation Bible School is exciting at Unity! It's fast paced, it's colorful and it's amazing!  We strive to make VBS a life-changing, awe-inspiring event, each and every year with over-the-top decorations, exciting themes, music to get kids moving and lessons that impact kids and inspire them to invite their friends to come and check out Unity VBS!  

2024's theme is Breaker Rock Beach and it's sure to be exciting!