COMMUNITY at Unity is about meeting together, opening God's Word, sharing life with one another and growing together in His wisdom and grace.  Working together to help each one become more like our Savior, Jesus Christ.  He has given each of us talents and gifts, we seek to learn to recognize His plan for us as individuals and as  a community of believers.

COMMUNITY @ UNITY: growing together in grace!

UNITY CHOIR: Worship in Spirit & Truth!


At Unity LaGrange it is our greatest pleasure to worship our Lord in spirit & truth; and in song!

We are blessed to have a great number of talented singers, soloists and musicians! We strive to offer a blended worship experience filled with  both traditional hymns and contemporary worship and praise and so, singers of all ages are invited to join us in Unity's choir!


Unity's Men's Ministry is firing up!   Tuesday evenings the men meet for Bible Study; they're currently working through the Gospel of John.

Also, they have started a monthly Men's Breakfast meeting, enjoying fellowship and to work together to  make ministry plans.